Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Self Tanner? Yay or Nay?

Today I chose yay so i went running into Wal-Mart (which by-the-way you can never actually get out of there with just the thing you intented to buy and no not literally running but figuratively speaking).

 As I was scanning the sun screen and self tanners I happened upon the lounge chairs...so I happened to pick one up and put it in my basket (this is the thing i was just telling you happens everytime I go into Wal-Mart I buy things) because I had the wonderful idea that I would go lay out when I got home since it was a mild 90 degrees today!

As I come strolling out of Wal-Mart, quite happy with my purchases if I might add, I see these HUGE dark clouds hovering around. GREAT. A thunderstorm just had to arrive as I got off work and got my lounge chair and self tanner and sun screen. There went my afternoon.

BUT, not all is gone. I did put to use my newly discovered Nuetrogena Medium-2 continuous spray self tanner! It says you will see results in two to four hours...its been about 2.5 hours...and I cannot tell if it is working. All I know is that I am not orange. Yet.

Wish me luck and pray that I do not turn into an oompaloompa by tonight.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Dear blemishes,
I NEVER get blemishes and when i do it taks freakin forever to go away. i have one on my upper lip that looks like a beauty mark. then it decided to grow a painful twin on the exact opposite side of my upper lip.
and i have one on my chin that is a complete eyesore. i know i have no room to be complaing, some people have it alot worse. but since i have no clue how to resolve these three issue...i have resulted to putting neosporin on half my face. we shall see if that works.

Today was finally decent weather outside, so i wore shorts, a tank top, and my flippy floppies. I strolled around some shopping centers and got a new swim suit top, hot pink with black and blue leopard print...sounds kinda crazy but it is super cute!!

Im gonna go watch some Lifetime movie made about Prince William & Kate.

I am secretly super excited to witness their wedding on TV! History in the making! Probably the only royal wedding I will see in my lifetime, unless Prince Harry gets married...or some other royal that the press never talks about! lol


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

a d d i c t i o n s

O-P-I Nail Lacquer

Diet Coke

Cosmoplitan magazine

Mapping out my finances ( secret addiction..SHH!)
* I am constantly thinking about how to maximize our spending and Maximize our savings!

Cell phone - Droid2...don't know how to survive without a smartphone now. literally.

SHOPPING- this was just outright obvious. duh.

Getting my hair done - I LOVE the feeling afterwards but don't get to cut/color my hair as often as I need too! * speaking of.... I have an appointment in 18 minutes that i need to be leaving for!

Hope everyone had a fabulous day!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Early Morning Sunshine


I got up early this morning so Daisy would have a chance to play in the snow (what little was left over) before it all melted!

My first time to see snow, EVER! -Daisy
December 5, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Welcome Winter!

guess what...IT'S SNOWING!!!

That's right friends, here in Gloucester and Richmond, VA it has been snowing since 7pm.

This is a very early snow for the winter season. It's coming down, not too hard though but hard enough that its accumulating slightly. The ground has been cold for a while now, so there should be no problem with it sticking for a few hours at least!

Today was a really good and fun day =)

I went to work from 830am-1215pm then all my co-workers met up and we went to the Richmond International Speedway for an event called the Bizarre Bazarre (extremely similar to The Nutcracker Market in Houston, except on a slightly smaller scale). It was so much fun, so much stuff to look at! But I did good, I accomplished what I wanted and that was to finish up my Christmas shopping. Then all 6 of us went to P.F. Changs for dinner which was delicious. As we were leaving the snow started to really fall down.
The snow was kind of nostalgic in a way. I was so excited because I love the first snow of the season, but I was sad that Kyle wasn't here to see it. He is out to see for 10 days....oh well. I'm sure it will snow between the time he gets back and the time he has to leave for his 6 month deployment. Hopefully.

Anyway, I hope everyone's day was as wonderful as mine!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Days 29 & 30

Day 29 - 3 Wishes

Wish #1: That I am able to give my husband healthy children

Wish #2: I wish everyone could experience every detail life has to offer. Living in different places especially. For me, as much as I miss my family and friends, moving halfway across the country (even if it was because of the military) has been an amazing experience. It has made me grow up, made me and my husband grow together and find out how we work as husband and wife. I have met some great people, lived a true Virginia life here (in a house on the river; seen all 4 seasons; travelled to surrounding states; lived a semi-country life) I would never have thought to come to a place like this, or go down to the outer banks of North Carolina, or take a road trip to Washington, D.C. none of that would have been in the cards. Virginia is one of the prettiest states nature-wise. Now I'm excited to find out where Kyle will be stationed next..new experience, YAY!

Wish #3: I wish everyone a happy and prosporous 2011!!

Day 30 - A Picture

To all our family and friends, you are the greatest! Thank you to everyone who has made our life special!
We love y'all!

And this would be my finale for the 30 day blog challenge

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 28

Day 28: Something That Stresses You Out

Oh geeze. What doesn't stress me out?! LIFE?! lol no seriously, I will tell you what stresses me out.

The Answer = Lack of work ethic.

Nothing stresses me out more than when I feel like I am busting my butt getting things done at work, answering phones, helping clients, solving problems, getting all the daily crap done that needs to be done and I see a co-worker just staring off into space or blatantly ignoring a client standing in line (while I am already helping another client) just because you don't feel like helping them.

So here is my question to all the 'lack-of-worth-ethic' challenged people :

Why are you so lazy?
Why must you make people wait on you when you are doing NOTHING?!
Why do you have to wait til the phone rings 7 times before you answer when other people are busy?
Why will you not get off your personal phone call to help someone?

** I guess not everyone can have a spectacular work ethic like me...HA!**

But seriously, I hate making people wait, I hate letting the phone ring more than twice, I will drop whatever I'm doing as soon as a client walks through the door (unless I am on the phone with another client) I bust my ass to get everything done on time, and I just feel like nobody (except Cally) knows how to work at a pace that isn't at the speed of molasses.

This is what stresses me out. Clearly.

p.s. I work at a bank.

Do you like seeing lazy Bank Tellers?