Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 7 : Favorite Movies

Let me start off by saying there are SO many movies that I could watch endlessly, but these are my abosolute FAVORITES!


I have always been fascinated with weather, especially tornadoes. When this movie came out I was just beside myself. Now my brother-in-law Corey and I could watch it over and over again!

I freakin love this group of guys in this movie. I can pretty much recite every line in this movie too, brings me to tears every time!
"I don't know if you know this, but I'm kind of a big deal. People know me."

"Can I just spray a little PAM down there, right before the baby comes out?"

Classic, Classic, Classic!! I love dancing around the house when this movie is on!

Rachael and I watched this ENDLESSLY in our dorm room when it first came out. If you put us on the spot, til this day, we can recite pretty much every line. We love it that much!

I love me some Harry Connick, Jr. in the movie...
Hope Floats captures my heart everytime, I just love how real it seems.

I don't what it is with me and dance movies, but Center Stage I could watch a million times over. I'm in no way a dancer, but I wish I had their flexibility

1 comment:

  1. dangit, i COMPLETELY forgot about center stage, i LOVE that movie too!!

    and elf, well, duh. haha. (i like to whisper too).

    i love dancing movies too, its a shame im so bad at dancing.
